Tuesday, November 30, 2010


   As I've been honing my Stoic thinking process, the idea of surrender has thrust itself in my consciousness. Without delving too deep into this idea, let me show how I've begun to do it. Imagine a situation comes along where I make an incorrect judgement and feel the resulting emotion inside. My problem in the past is that I've dwelt on the mistake and feeling after they happen.

   The truth is that I was meant to make that mistake and feel that emotion because I had not corrected my thinking beforehand. (And sometimes your imagination just hurls false judgements upon you!) So instead of beating myself up, I am now trying to simply surrender to those thoughts/feelings and allow them to process and move along. This allows me to move forward with time and keep my mind clear.

    The lesson for me being that we can't avoid the backlash for living in discord with our nature. So just surrender to the consequences. What else can you do? If you don't wish to go down that path again, then set your mind to become what it wasn't before that happened.

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